Knee Strengthening Exercises

Quadriceps Stretch

knee strengthening exercises
1. Position yourself an arm’s length from the wall and ensure you’re looking straight ahead.

2. Place one hand flat against the wall. With your other hand, grasp the ankle of the foot on the same side.

3. When you feel the stretch of the thigh, hold for between 7 – 15 seconds. Repeat this 5 – 10 times, then switch sides.

Caution: Don’t arch your back and try not to twist your back to reach your leg.

Leg Raise

knee strengthening exercises
1. Sit on the floor with one leg bent at the knee, and the other out straight in front of you.

2. Raise your straight leg 6 – 8 inches, then lower it slowly and steadily back to the floor in a controlled fashion. Relax, and repeat 5 times on each side.

Caution: Don’t arch your back or hunch your shoulders forwards.

Calf Stretch

knee strengthening exercises
1. Position yourself with your arms braced against a wall, one foot several inches behind the other, and both feet pointing forwards (toes towards the wall).

2. Bend your front front leg forwards. Keep both heels to the floor, and keep the opposite leg straight. Hold for 7 – 15 seconds.

3. Bend the back leg and hold also for 7 – 15 seconds.

4. Repeat 5 -10 times, then switch sides.

Caution: Don’t lift your back heel and refrain from arching your back over.

Quad Set

knee strengthening exercises
1. Sit on the floor with one leg straight, the other bent – like in the leg raise exercise.

2. Flex the foot of your straight leg by pointing your toes towards you.Press the back of your knee into the floor while tightening the muscles at the top of your thigh.

3. Hold for 15 seconds & repeat 5 times on each side – Keep your back straight!

Seated Knee Extensions

knee strengthening exercises
1. Sit on the floor with one leg straight, the other bent – like in the leg raise exercise.

2. Flex the foot of your straight leg by pointing your toes towards you.Press the back of your knee into the floor while tightening the muscles at the top of your thigh.

3. Hold for 15 seconds & repeat 5 times on each side – Keep your back straight!

Wall Slide

knee strengthening exercises
1. Stand with your back and head against a wall, looking straight ahead. Keep your feet 6 – 12 inches away from the wall and shoulder width apart. Relax your shoulders and tighten your stomach muscles.

2. Slowly sink straight down until you feel a stretch in the front of your thighs.

3. Hold for 7 -15 seconds then slowly slide back up, Relax and repeat 5 – 10 times.

Caution: Keep your head against the wall at all times and keep your buttocks above your knees.

Leg Lunge

knee strengthening exercises
1. Stand with your feet 1 – 2 inches apart.

2. Step out as far as you comfortably can, keeping your back straight.

3. As you step forwards, the heel of the other foot comes off the floor.

3. Return Smoothly to your starting position, and relax.

4. Repeat 7 – 15 times, stepping forwards on both sides.

Caution: Dont bend forwards and don’t lunge so far your knee touches the floor.

Step Ups

knee strengthening exercises
1. Stand with one foot flat on a 3-inch to 5-inch support (such as a block of wood) and have your other foot completely flat on the floor.

2. Shift your weight onto the foot on the block, straightening that knee on the block and raising your other foot off the floor. Don’t push off the floor.

3. Then slowly lower your foot , heel first, back to the floor. Repeat 7 – 15 times on each leg.

Caution: Don’t lock your knees and keep your weight on the foot on the block.

Toe Raises

knee strengthening exercises
1. Stand with both feet flat on the floor, shoulder width apart. If you need support, steady yourself with your hands on a ledge, wall, or table.

2. Raise both heels you’re standing on your toes. Hold your position for at least 10 seconds, then lower your heels slowly to the floor. Repeat 15 – 20 times.

3. As you become stronger, try standing on one foot at a time – raising that heel off the floor.

Caution: Don’t lock your knees and don’t arch your back.

If you’re experiencing knee trouble, feel free to contact us for more information about these knee strengthening exercises, or to find out how our physiotherapy treatments can help you.

Care should be taken while performing these exercises.. – please read our disclaimer